Christianity in the Peoples Republic of Eastern Europe


Comment Blog


Karol Wojtyła


Yalta & Potsdam

Ostpolitik– “ not a policy of glory”

“The sprit of freedom is the proper climate for the full development of the person.  Without freedom, a person is dwarfed and all progress dies.”

Wladyslaw Gomulka

Polish Socialist Party

Polish Peasant Party

Cardinal Wyszynski

Archbishop Baziak of Krakow

“Totus Tuus”  Louis de Montford

Nowa Huta

Jagaellonian University

Love and Responsibility

The Jeweler’s Shop

“a parallel teaching authority in the Church”

“Venerabiles Patres, Fratres, et Sorrores…”

Marcel Lefebvre:  Error has no rights

Gaudium et Spes, 22 & 24

Christ-centered anthropology is the Church’s gift to mankind

“The Law of the Gift”

Person and Act

“We forgive and ask your forgiveness.”

“We do not forget and we will not forgive.”

“Recovered territories”