Rerum Novarum


A.  The English Economists.  Ricardo:  Labor, Capital and Landed = wages, profits, rents.

B.  The Center Party in Germany and a Catholic social agenda

C. 1882:  “to study deeply and thoroughly, from a Catholic point of view, the social and economic questions of labor, to establish principles based on that study, and secure acceptance of these principles as a basis for action.”

D.  Rerum novarum:  1. rejects socialist answers; right to convert living wages into property; 2. a dialogue on social issues and a rejection of class hostility; 3. rejection of laissez-faire abuse and protection against “cruelty of men of greed.”  To share profits.

E.  Americanism:  water down doctrine; individualism regarding religion and spirituality; emphasis on action; relaxing primitive constitutions of Religious Orders