A Great Wave of Saints



A.  The sad death of Pope Paul IV.  There is strong wine in that carafe (Carafa).  That’s not wine; it’s vinegar.

B.  Pope Pius IV and St. Charles Borromeo

C.  Wave of Saints (the Superstars): 

            Thomas More.  Henry’s reputation as a sanguinary monster was established.  While one must admit the king’s intelligence and political skill, one really cannot deny that there is much truth in this verdict of contemporaries and others.    New Cambridge Modern History.  Volume II.

            Ignatius of Loyola and the Society of Jesus

                        Religious education

                        Missions to New Worlds

                        Oppose Protestantism

            Francis Borgia, Francis Xavier, Aloysius Gonzaga

            Teresa of Avila and the Carmelites

            Francis de Sales

D.  Wave of Saints (Second Tier):

            1517 wave:  Angela Merici (43 years old); Cajetan (37); Jerome Emiliani (36); Michael Ghislieri or Pius V (13), Philip Neri (2)



Questions to Consider:

1.  Give examples of Catholic saints at the time of the Protestant Reformation, showing the problems with the abuse theory.

2.  Describe the objectives of the Society of Jesus under the leadership of Ignatius of Loyola

3.  What does it mean “to be saints in the company of saints?”

4.  Describe the accomplishment of Pope St. Pius V.




Hughes, Archbishop Alfred.  SPIRITUAL MASTERS.  Huntington:  Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division.  1998.