Indulgencies, Justification and Denominationalism



A.  An Understanding of grace, intercessory prayer and the Communion of Saints

B.  Paragraph 1472,  Catechism of the Catholic Church

C.  Luther breaks with the Roman Catholic Church

D.  Ulrich Zwingli in Zurich

E.  The Marburg Colloquy

F.  The Peasant Revolt, Thomas Munzer and Protestantism shatters into denominations


Questions to Consider:

1.  Trace the theology of indulgences from the idea of the Martyr’s privilege, the Treasury of Grace, and the Communion of Saints

2.  Describe Luther’s criticism of indulgences and the sacrament of penance.

3.  How did Luther inspire Zwingli and how did Zwingli differ from Luther especially at the Marburg Colloquy?



Roland Bainton.  HERE I STAND: A LIFE OF MARTIN LUTHER.  New York:  Mentor.  1963.