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A.  St. Catherine and others encourage Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome

B.  Gregory dies

C.  Two versions of the Fateful Conclave

            1.  Marziah Gails

            2.  L. Salembrier

D.  The personality change of Urban VI


Questions to Consider:

1.  What convinced Gregory XI to return the Papacy to Rome?

2.  Describe the two stories of the Fateful Conclave – Gail’s and Salembier’s;  which is historically sound?

3.  Was Urban VI really elected pope?

4.  How did Urban VI change in personality after his election?



Gail, Marzieh.   THE THREE POPES.  New York:  Simon and Schuster.  1969.

Mollat, G.  THE POPES AT AVIGNON:  1305 – 1378.  London:  Thomas Nelson and Sons.  1949.

Salembier, L.  THE GREAT SCHISM OF THE WEST.  London:  Kegan Paul, Trench Truebner & Co. 1907.