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1338 – 1453

Charles IV “le Bel” son of Philip IV, the Fair (le Bel)
Blanche of Bourgogne
Marie de Luxembourg
Jeanne d”Evreux
A daughter? “then the crown belongs to Philip of Valois”
Capet family (since Hugh, 987)
King Philip VI, but …
            Louis X The Quarrelsome
            Philip V The Tall
            Isabel of France (“The She-wolf of France”)
Edward II of England?  (Battle of Bannockburn -- Braveheart!)

Boy Edward III with Isabel as co-regent with Roger Mortimer, Earl of March

The Homage of Edward III to Philip VI
Guyenne, Bordeaux, Aquitaine
1334 King David III of Scotland flees to France
Pope Benedict XII
1339 Count Louis flees Flanders to France

Guyenne confiscated:  “because of the many excesses, rebellious and disobedient acts committed by the King of England against Us and Our Royal Majesty”

Assaults on Gironne forts and destruction of Saint-Emilion vineyards

Battle of Sluys  June 24th 1340
Salt tax: gabelle
Battle of Crécy  1346:  the oriflamme
            40 English knights
            1,200 French knights,
                        11 princes, 10 counts, a duke, and King of Bohemia (ich dien)

Seige of Calais
1350 Philip VI dies; John II
Battle of Poitiers
Treaty of Bretigny
Charles V, “Carlos sapiens”  1200 books! At Louvre
“free companies”  Sir John Hawkwood
Fateful Conclave of 1378