
Comment Blog

Peter Valdes or Waldes or Waldo (active 1170 – 76)

Matthew 19:21 “If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast and give it to the poor.”

Lyons:  The Poor Men of Lyons

Third Lateran Council:  Waldenses

Pope Lucius III

“Perfecti” and “amici”

“Rector,” “Majoralis,” “priests,” “minors”

Pope Innocent III: “Poor Catholics

Bishop Otto of Toul; King Alphonso II of Aragon

Wolfe Ridge, TX; Valdese, NC and Monett, MO

Church of St. Damien:  “Francis, go build my church.”

“As you go, preach the message, ‘the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’”

“Freely have you received, freely give.  Do not keep gold or silver or money in your girdles, nor wallet for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staff …”

Waldenses, Albigensians, Cathars manichaism

“Il Cantico del Sole (Cantico della Creature)

“But Holy Father, the Church surely cannot refuse to sanction a way of life preached by Christ Himself.”

Portinucula, Subiaco

Rule of 1210

1217:  North of Alps, Tunis, Syria

1219:  France, Germany, Spain, Hungary

“Friars Minor”

Saint Clare (Count Sasso-Rosso)


Aunt Bianca

Poor Ladies:  Second Order

“Brothers and Sisters of Penance (Third Order:  Teriaries)

Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius X, John XXIII, Desmond Tutu, Dante, Giotto, Michelangelo, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Ferdinand and Isabella, Columbus, Thomas More, Palestrina, Franz Liszt, Charles Gounod, Michael Faraday, Louis Pasteur…