
Comment Blog

Octavian, “princeps” of Rome

Nicholas Cheetham, Keepers of the Keys, “Papacy in the Doldrums”

Pope John XII

“not like an apostle, but a wild man, his collection of women he adored … hateful to the church, beloved of violent youth.”

King Otto:  Battle of Lechfeld

St. Adelaide

Berengar, king of Italy, and his son Adalbert

Dec. 5, 963:  Pope Leo VII

With Pope John XII in Corsica

Annuario pontificio

Benedict V; John XIII (Crescenzio family); Benedict VI; Benedict VII

John Crescenzio & Pope John XV

Emperor Otto III & Father Bruno – Pope Gregory V

Bishop Gerbert of Aurillac


King Hugh Capet:  archbishop of Rheims?

Abbot of Bobbio; archbishop of Ravenna; Pope Sylvester II

“renovation imperii Romanorum”

Book of Ceremonies

King Roger of France; King Stephen of Hungary; St. Olaf Traggvarson

De corpori et sanguini Domini

Pope Benedict IX, elected in 1032, 1045 and 1047

Albericus III – Theophylactus as Benedict IX

“With Benedict IX the papacy reached the bottom of moral decadence.  The conditions in Rome at that time appeared even worse than that of John XIII, and perhaps surpassed in horror those of the Borgias …”  Gregorovius

Emperor Conrad


Priest John Gratian (Pope Gregory VI)

Emperor Henry III:  Synod of Sutri

Pope Sylvester III

Hildebrand of Soana

Egisheim-Dagburg family