The Christmas Crowning of Charlemagne


Comment Blog

Pope Leo III

“To you, Most Holy Father, as in previous times to Moses, belongs the task of assisting our army with your hands upraised, so that, with the blessing of God beseeched by your intercession, the Christian world will forever and everywhere be victorious over the enemies of the sacred name of God and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified throughout the entire world.”

Archbishop Arno of Salzburg

Pascal and Campulus

Duke Vinigi of Spoleto





“Life and victory to Charles the most pious Augustus, crowned by God, the great and pacific Emperor”

Archbishop of Trier to Charles:

“Gloriosissimo et excellentissimo Augustus a Deo

Coronato Karolo Serenissimo

Vita salusque perpetua!”

Carolus gratia dei rex Frankorum (et Langobardorum) vir illustrer

(ac Patricius Romanorum)

29 May 801:

Karolus, serenissimus Augustus a Deo coronatus magnus, pacificus imperator, Romanum gubernais imperium, qui et per misericordiam Dei rex Francorum atque Lagobardorum

Emperor Michael I

Pepin & Charles

Louis at Aachen

The Frisian coast