Early Church History 46

Benedict and Gregory: A Hermeneutics of Continuity

Saint Benedict (480 - 547) Saint Gregory (540 - 604)

Wufila and Patrick

Pope Benedict XVI: "the hermeneutics of continuity"

Benedict of Nursia, "Father of Western Monasticism," "Patron of Europe"

John Cassian and Vicent of Lerin

Saint Martin of Tours (397):  2,000 monks attended

Bangor monestary

Saint Paulinus of Nola and Teresia

Saint Martin of Braga

Rufinus in Aquileia, Jerusalem; Jerome in Holy Land, Basil in the East, Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia.  Monasteries in Rome

"I know many of them as homes of saints, where, in the midst of their brethren who live together in love, piety and freedom, there ever presides one distinguished for moral dignity, wisdom and ecclesiastical learning." Saint Augustine

Pope Xystus III dedicated to Saint Sebastian

Saint Lawrence Basilica Outside the Walls near the Ager Veranus

Tomb of Saint Peter

Pope Damasus regarding his sister Irene and her devotion to Christ: "to whom she had consecrated herself in holy chasitity" adding

"now that God, thy Bridegroom, has come,

remember us, oh virgin,

that thy lamp may give us light before the Lord."

Anio River, Sacro Speco, Subiaco (Sublacus Lake)

the monks of Vico Varo

Pacidus, son of the Roman patrician Tertullus, and Maurus


Castrum Cassinum ... Monte Cassino (529)

Gregory, Caelian Hill

Papal apocrisarius

Pope Peagius

Lombard king Arinulf

Bishop Cyriacus

"All over the Christian world Gregory had taught men to look to the Pope as one who could make peace and ensure it.  On this foundation, the medieval papacy was founded.  not long was it contented so to rest." Cambridge Medieval History

Vatican II: Renewal Within Tradition (2008)  The Church is no mere ideology but is instead the locus of Christ's sanctifying truth by the power of his Spirit.  The Church draws us into a personal encounter with the Redeemer, who invites us to share in the very life of the Trinity.  this is good news indeed, and it cannot coexist with an ideological reading of the Church's tradition. Sokolowski observes, "Without episcopal teaching in continuity with the apostles and with Christ, there is no sanctification and government, and there can be no Catholic Church" Other kinds of churches and theologies of history might be possible without such continuity, but not a Catholic one.  As he says, therefore, "One of the greatest challenges to the Church is to reestablish the continuity between he present Church and the Church throughout the centuries, to revalidate the tradition of the Church."