Early Church History 39

Other Voices of the Eighth Generation

Big names: Ambrose, Augustine, Monica, Hilary of Poitiers

but ... Rufinus of Aquileia? Prudentius? Prosper of Aquitaine?

Tiranius Rufinus


Didymus the Blind

De Principiis

desert father Evagrius, Pope Sixtus, the Rule of Saint Basil, Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius, from Constantine to Theodosius


Cathemerinon twelve hymns

1 - 6 hymns hours of the day set to liturgical events, 7 fasting, 8 end of fasting, 9 meditation on the life of Christ, 10 hope within the context of a Christian death, 11 and 12 Christmas and Epiphany

The Winged Herald of the Day

Paulinus of Nola, Meropius Ponitus Anicius Paulinus

Latifundiae in Italy and Aquitaine, Born in Bordeaux


Saint Felix of Nola


Martin of Tours, Ambrose of Milan, Jerome, Augustine

John Cassian from Dobruja in "Sythia minor"

Cassianus became John

Saint John Chrysostom, Innocent I, Leo I

Bishop Castor of Apt, De Institutis Coenobiorum

I. Monastic clothing, night office, day office, common life and development of virtues

II. concentrated on vices to be countered in order to develop purity of heart: gluttony, lust, greed, anger, melancholy, sloth, vanity, pride

"The monasteries continue apostolic life, that is the life of the primitive Church at Jerusalem gathered around the Apostles. The faithful who preserve in themselves to the zeal of the Apostles leave the cities in order to live the ideal of the apostolic community far from the contaminations of the world."

The life of the monk is the confluence between the Word of god and lived experiece -- both infused with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is the master of the interior life as well as inspirator of sacred scripture.

the apatheia of the East is in John Cassian's words: mentis nostrae puritas tranquillitas que.

Regula magistri

Ambrosiaster, Quastiones veritatis et Novi Testamenti

Peter, archbishop of Ravenna, born in Imola, "Chrystologus"

Prosper of Aquitaine, Vincent of Lerins, Gennadius

Prosper moves to Marsailles ("The Athens of the West"), monasteries of Lerins and Saint Victor

The Semi-Pelagian Controversy

Pope Celestine I

Vincent of Lerins Commonitorium

quoted by St. Robert Bellamine, Bishop Bossuet, John Henry Newman as well as Anglicans and Ignaz Dollinger

how to distinguish orthodoxy from heresy: A) is it scriptural? B) does it stand in the Church's tradition?

Church tradition has three criteria: A) universality, B) antiquity, C) unanimous consent

"To perfect and polish that which received its own form and outline in antiquity; to consolidate and strengthen that which already has obtained in profile and clarity; reserve that which has been confirmed and has received its definition."