Early Church History 21

Sunday, Easter and Christmas

Noële Denis-Boulet, The Christian Calendar, 1960

Jacques Maritain

Gen. 1:3 then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God then separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day" and the darkness he called "night." Thus evening came, and morning followed, the first day.

Thus, for Jews, the Sabbath is the seventh day.

Jesus rises on the "eighth" day of the week: the day of light.  John 8:12; John 1:1-5.

Acts 20.  when the new week began, we had met (at Troas) for the breaking of the bread, and Paul was preaching to them ..."

I Corinthians 16:2

Sun-day, Son-Day, Sonn-tag

KURIAKE and DOMINICA (Domingo, Dimanche)

Revelations 1:10 "I was caught up in the spirit on the Lord's Day..."

Ignatius of Antioch to Magnesians "...no longer observing the Sabbath but living according to the Lord's Day (secundum dominicam)."

Didache "every Sunday of the Lord, being assembled, break the bread and give thanks (eucharistize)"

Jerome Carcopino, Daily Life in Ancient Rome

Saturn's day, then "dies solis"

Moon            Lundi    Lunes    Montag                    Monday

Mars               Mardi    Martes    Dienstag                Tuesday

Mercury        Mercredi    Miercoles    Mittwoch    Wednesday

Jupiter            Jeudi        Juieves          Donnerstag    Thursday

Venus            Vendredi    Viernes        Freitag            Friday     

Justin: "On the day called the day of the sun, all those who live in the towns or in the country assembly in one place ... We all assemble on the day of the sun, because it is the first day."

Pliny the Younger to Trajan: "stato die" and later a meal in common

John Chrysostom: "This meal is a meal of brotherly union, for all take part in it as in the Lord himself. To abstain from this meal is to separate one's self from the Lord: The Sunday meal is that which we take in common with the Lord and with the brethren."

dies fasti and dies nefasti  93 days/ 159 days

Council of Nicea, 325: Easter celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the spring equinox